Gluten Free Gingerbread Tree and a Gluten-Free Giveaway (Week Four 22.12.14)


Hey all

I thought I’d do something a little different this week, as it’s coming to Christmas, I wanted to do something a bit more Christmassy and wasn’t really inspired by bread.

It wasn’t…

..magical enough for me

so i decided to go for something sweet and spicy.

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Flavoured Ghee-Roasted Potatoes/pommes de terre assaisonnées au four au beurre indien


Now I can easily sit here and pretend this recipe was all part of my genius plan and in a way it was.  I fancied some good old fashioned roast potatoes (thought I’d get a bit of practice in before Christmas!) but I didn’t have any goose or duck fat to hand.  In fact I generally don’t have any of those fats around the house and it was a Sunday, so I more-than-couldn’t-be-bothered to go and buy some at the supermarket, then I remembered, I’d recently made Karahi Gosht for dinner and had loads of leftover ghee.  I figured the properties were about the same so I’d give it a go and the results really were amazing!

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