Gluten free Hazelnut Pancakes/Crêpes noisette sans gluten

Hey folks, it’s that time again. I meant to post this earlier and I can see some of you have already been making searches for gluten free pancakes and as usual these will not disappoint…..

So I was scrolling through my recipe index and thinking.

I’ve already posted a gluten free recipe for american style or scotch pancakes as they’re known here and let’s not forget the little clouds of heaven but alas English pancakes were nowhere to be seen. I know it’s pitiful, with the Queen’s jubilee just round the corner I’m sure she’ll be hanging her head in shame 😉

To make Lizzy happy, I gave myself a slap on the wrist and got to mixing and they turned out pretty great.  English pancakes are thicker than French crêpes but thinner than Scotch pancakes, they are generally sweet rather than savoury and are best served with a dash of lemon and a sprinkle of sugar.  I kid you not when I say this recipe was two, three years in the making, it was getting that elasticity, texture and taste in a gluten free mix that was a major issue.  I, of course decided to make things harder for myself by making a dairy and gluten free version, but this is certainly no substitute, it has a warm nutty texture and the natural sweetness of hazelnut milk means you don’t have to dump in a gallon of sugar for them to taste good.

The ground hazelnut flour gave it a lovely speckled appearance and they looked and tasted like REAL pancakes. Have a lovely Pancake Day everyone!

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Spiced Chocolate Chai Tea Cakes/Gâteau épicé au chocolat et au thé chai

How do you like your tea? Piping hot or iced cold? With a few sugars or a splash of milk? Well how about in a cake? Yep! You heard me right and I’m not talking about the light buttery kind that you eat with your tea, I mean hot brewed tea in a spiced chocolate cake.

Call me mad if you will but seriously, what could be more fitting in a blog about baking written by a Brit than a cake with tea inside?

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