Sweet Potato Pita Bread/Pain Pita de patates douces

When it’s autumn and sweet potato season rolls round, I go a little crazy, I put sweet potato in EVERYTHING!  Doughnuts, spice buns, make chips out of them, mash them, roast them, dice them, slice them, maybe the only thing I haven’t done yet is put them in a drink!….yeah maybe I won’t go that far,

but the one recipe that triumphed, through my sweet potato journey, the best tasting recipe to come out of all that experimentation was this sweet potato pita bread.

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Chestnut Pound Cake/Quatre-quarts à la farine de chataîgne

We’ve reached that time of the year where I raid the cupboards, check my B.B. dates and wonder why on earth I always buy so much food.  I believe most people tackle this job in Spring but I’m always too busy enjoying the longer, warmer days and dreaming up gluten free fruit tarts, plus I find it easier to remember to do it at the end of the year…..

As you can imagine it’s quite an exciting task and one I knew you would all delight in sharing with me, hence the post ;)…

so, for those of you who go to people’s houses and excuse yourself to go the the toilet have a nose on the bathroom cupboards. 😉

Here are the items from my cupboard that made the cut:

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Blackstrap Molasses sweetened Chocolate Cake/ Gâteau au chocolat, à la mélasse

Today marks the 365th day of Curious Baking! 🙂

Let me dazzle you with some statistics!…



236 fans

and 45/6 posts later

and I’m still standing!

I’m happy to have survived, a little surprised if the truth be told. I don’t really know what finally got me round to creating this blog, I guess I just I felt my camera needed to be freed of all my baking photos!

Don’t worry I won’t drone on, and reminisce about the highs and lows while doing a round up of the year (I’ll save that for New Year’s Eve 😉 ). I wish I had something witty and profound to say or even inspirational…but I’ll leave the philosophising to well the philosophers and get on to the good stuff…

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Honeyed Fresh Fig cakes/Moelleux aux figues fraîches

ok chicos y chicas, I’m back with a wonderful autumnal recipe that’ll make you forget all about the long lost summer sun.  I have to admit, this is the first time I’ve baked or…well done anything with figs, but I was inspired by Sainsbury’s magazine which I’m slightly obsessed with at the moment.

Apart from Sainsbury’s magazine.  My latest hobby right now is making gluten free flour/meal, I recently bought a grain mill and skipped all the way home from the shop, dreaming of all the gluten free flour  I was going to make at home, then…well….I got lazy and haven’t taken it out of the box or bothered to read the instructions, because I found an even easier way to get my gluten free grains.

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