Chinese five spice molten chocolate cake/Moelleux au chocolat noir,cœur 5 épices

Feel sorry for me…

I’m sick…

The sun’s out and I’m in, for what seems like decades. ….Oh yes ladies and gents, this is the feel sorry for me post! While the rest of the U.K were out frolicking in the sun, I was indoors with only my aches and pains to keep me company.  I’ve managed to catch some kind of summer flu, which has also temporarily stolen my voice.  Talk to me now and you may be forgiven for thinking I was a male teenage frog going through puberty!

At times like this when all you can do is croak, you get to thinking…

Leave a girl alone with her thoughts and pretty soon dark chocolate’ll come out, in my case, it came out in the form of moelleux au chocolat, (my head’s so woolly I can’t even think of a suitable translation). I generally like to stagger my chocolate recipes and don’t tend to post them one after the other, unless of course there is an emergency and chocolate is needed pronto, which is obviously the case here.  I needed something that could slide down the throat with minimum effort and produce that warm comforting feeling and maximum satisfaction, and moelleux au chocolat fit the bill perfectly….

Moelleux au chocolat is a basic recipe that every frenchie worth their salt knows like the back of their hand, a bittersweet molten chocolate cake with a sunken centre.  There’s been a lot of chocolate and chinese five spice buzz going around the net at the moment and being sick tends to push me a little further out of my comfort zone than usual, so I threw in a teaspoon or two, the result?..



Sorry to get your hopes up but it ended up being a recipe that was more concept than flavour, you could taste the chinese five spice, but I didn’t feel it added or took away from the basic chocolate recipe and I didn’t really have the strength to try the thousands of variations I had in my head so decided to post the recipe as is, leaving you to make your own changes as and when you see fit.

I’ll mess around with this combo a little more once I’m better, because I’m convinced there’s a star recipe itching to get out!

Moelleux au chocolat noir, cœur 5 épices/Chinese five spice molten chocolate cake

For 2 or 3 people or one sick person in dire need of a chocolate fix!

  • 60g/2 oz dark chocolate
  • 35g oil
  • 1 egg
  • 25g/2 1/2 tbsps agave nectar
  • 20g/2tbsps of your favourite gluten free flour (I used buckwheat)
  • 2 tbsps almond milk
  • 1/2 tsp chinese five spice powder (optional)

Place a large stainless steel bowl, in a smaller saucepan and melt 40 g of chocolate with the oil, over a low heat, in the larger bowl.

Do the same with the remaining 20g of chocolate and the almond milk in a separate bowl, when melted, add the chinese five spice if using, then place in the fridge for 10 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF

Add the agave nectar to the chocolate oil mixture and mix well.

Mix the flour with the egg, then pour in the melted chocolate-oil-agave mix and mix well until combined.

Fill a silicone muffin pan half full with the chocolate-oil-agave-flour-egg mixture, then place a teaspoon of the refrifgerated chocolate mixture in the middle, then cover with the chocolate again.

Bake for about ten minutes, then crack that crusty chocolate shell open and watch the chocolate ooze out.

Serve with a side helping of crème anglaise.

Adapted from a recipe in Odélices
I’ve just found out that the theme for Go Ahead Honey is gluten and dairy free so I’ve decided use this as my entry, if you’re interesting in entering, the details are here


Moelleux au chocolat noir, cœur cinq épices

Pour deux ou trois personnes ou une personne qui est malade et manque cruellement de chocolat!

  • 60g de chocolat noir
  • 35g de’huile végétale
  • 1 oeuf
  • 25g de sirop d’agave
  • 20g d’une de vos farines préférés sans gluten (j’avais utilisé de la farine de sarrasin)
  • 2 c à a de lait d’amande
  • 1/2 c à c de 5 épices  (facultatif)

Faites fondre 40 g de chocolat noir et l’huile au bain marie, puis faites fondre le chocolat restant avec le lait

Une fois le mélange chocolat noir, l’huile est fondu, ajoutez le 1/2 cuillère à café de cinq épices, mélangez jusqu’à l’incorporation puis mettez au frigo pendant 10 minutes.

Préchauffez le four à 180ºC/350ºF

Ajoutez le sirop d’agave au mélange chocolat-l’huile et mélangez bien.

Mélangez bien la farine avec l’œuf, puis incorporez le chocolat fondu et l’huile avec le sirop d’agave en dernier et mélangez à nouveau.

Remplissez à demi les moules à muffins silicones, mettez une cuillère à café au cœur de la pâte puis recouvrez de pâte.

Enfournez pendant 10 minutes.

Servez avec de la crème anglaise.

Adaptée d’une recette d’Odélices

9 thoughts on “Chinese five spice molten chocolate cake/Moelleux au chocolat noir,cœur 5 épices

  1. Thanks, I hope so too!…You know I thought of you when I came up with this one, thinking you might replace the chinese 5 spice for curry 😉 I almost did it myself!

  2. I hope you get well soon, summer flus are the worst because in winter you really don’t mind being in bed . I love 5spice, but I think I would add in a bit more for ommph. Or maybe I’ll try making a 5spice chocolate sauce for pouring on top. mmmmm….double chocolate!

  3. @The InTolerant Chef – You know I was thinking the SAME thing! I’d originally planned to add 1 tsp of chinese 5 spice but by the time I’d put 1/2 a tsp in the smell was so strong, I was worried if I added any more it’d end up in the bin! After a second taste today, I have to say you can definitely taste it, but if chinese 5 spice is your thing, drop in a bit more…that 5 spice chocolate sauce idea however is quite intriguing…

    @Lorraine – an illness so powerful, it travels through the net! Not sure how I did it, but concentrating on the baking somehow momentarily took my mind off the aches and pains. But I’m all drugged up now and already feeling better 😉

    • Whereabouts are you?…Let’s have a gander…….North East you say? You can get agave nectar in Sainsburys or Tesco in the wholefoods sections, I use the groovy food premium agave nectar brand, but if you can’t be bothered to make the trip, honey could work, but would probably produce a stickier, heavier texture.

  4. Pingback: Go Ahead Honey, It’s Gluten Free! Cream of the Crop: Dairy-Free Delights Round Up | ♥ Z's Cup of Tea

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