Double Chocolate and Pear Cupcakes/Mignardises choco-poire

Remember what I said about simple recipes and delicious surprises? Well this recipe is no exception.  Comprised of a wonderful mix of delicately spiced pears, melted chocolate and cocoa powder. These cupcakes need to be baked…..and promptly eaten!

This isn’t the first time I’ve made a chocolate and pear cake, but the last time was about a hundred years ago, when Manchester United were on their way to their new stadium in Old Trafford, women were fighting for the right to vote and…. I

…..still ate gluten!

OK maybe not that long ago but you get the picture. I wanted to recreate that magical moment again, but in gluten free D!

So there I was messing about with my flours again till I found this recipe , on my tartelette, she actually has quite a few gluten free recipes on there but I chose this one to see how my 100 year old tastebuds would adapt to a chocolate and pear cake which had a lot less gluten and a lot more chocolate.

Although the original recipe was already gluten free (which makes a change!) I still adapted it slightly, mainly with the addition of ginger. I’d recently bought some ginger spiced dark chocolate from Newtree and had a feeling it’d blend well with the other ingredients. Plus it saved me having to grate the ginger which was my original plan.

The secret to this recipe is the marraige of moist tender pear, subtly placed on top of two kinds of chocolate. The top is soft and slightly gooey and the bottom is just as chocolately with more of a cakey texture. I thought these cupcakes would be nice, but I didn’t think they’d be THIS good. Try it with out without the ginger depending on what you fancy, but the ginger does add a nice twist to a french classic.

Double Chocolate and Pear Cupcakes

Edit: If you decide to use the Newtree chocolate, please only use the one stated in the recipe as not all their bars are gluten free.


  • 1 stick/113g unsalted butter
  • 1/2 cup/100g sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 60g newtree sexy dark chocolate, melted or  60g of dark chocolate 70%, melted with 2 tsps of fresh ginger
  • 1/4 cup/60ml buttermilk
  • 1/3 cup/60g sweet rice flour
  • 1/3 cup/60g quinoa flour
  • 3 tbsps cocoa powder
  • 1 1/4 tsps baking powder
  • 1 ripe pear, pitted and thinly sliced

Preheat the oven to  180ºC/350ºF

Grease a mini-muffin/cupcake tin.

In a medium bowl, cream the butter and sugar together (beat until light and creamy).

Add the eggs one at a time, beating after each addition.

Add the melted chocolate and buttermilk and stir until smooth.

Add the flour, cocoa and baking powder and mix again until all the ingredients are combined.

Pour the mixture into your prepared tin, then place the pear slices on the top of each cupcake (about three).

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until a knife inserted into the cake comes out clean. The cake itself will be cooked but the top of the cake should be soft and slightly gooey.


Mignardises choco-poire

Édit: Attention! Toutes les barres Newtree ne sont pas sans gluten, bien lire les ingrédients avant de l’utiliser,cependant, a priori,  la barre sexy gingembre que j’avais precisé dans la recette est sans gluten.


  • 113 g de beurre
  • 100g de sucre
  • 3 oeufs
  • 60g de chocolat Newtree, fondu  ou 60g de chocolat noir  à70%  avec 2 c à c de gingembre frais
  • 60ml de lait ribot
  • 60g de farine de quinoa
  • 60g de farine de riz glutineux
  • 3 c à c de cacao
  • 1 1/4 c à c de poudre à lever
  • une poire, mûre, épépinée, pelée, et coupée en tranches minces

Préchauffer le four à 180ºC

Beurrez un mini-moule silicone à mignardises.

Dans un bol, battez ensemble le beurre et le sucre jusqu’ à ce qu’il soit mousseux.

Ajoutez les oeufs un à un sans cesser de battre.

Incorporez le chocolat fondu et le lait ribot et battez à nouveau jusqu’ à ce l’obtention d’une pâte lisse.

Incorporez les farines, le cacao et le poudre à lever et mélangez bien.

Versez la pâte dans le moule préparé, disposez les poires sur chaque petit gâteau et enfournez pendant 20 à 25 minutes (la pointe d’un couteau doit ressortir sèche mais le dessus sera un peu moelleux).

Adaptée d’une recette de

6 thoughts on “Double Chocolate and Pear Cupcakes/Mignardises choco-poire

  1. Sans aucun doute délicieux !! 😀
    Par contre, attention avec le gluten Free, certe pas de farine de blé dans votre recette mais pour les coeliaques, le gluten peut être très dangereux et ce quel que soit la quantité. Or le chocolat newtree par exemple, pour moi qui suis allergique au gluten, je ne peux pas en manger au risque d’avoir une réaction. Donc il faut vraiment faire attention quand on propose des recettes sans gluten 🙂

  2. @dancing realm. Here, here on the chocolate! I second that! Looks like you found your easy cake recipe!

    @Jesse. Whip away jesse, whip away! Just had a look at your site. It’s nice to see people FINALLY using good quality gluten free flours like quinoa in their pre-packed baked goods. It’s definitely one of my favourite flours

    @zahirah. Thanks! Pear and chocolate might as well get married as far as I’m concerned!

    @Taliashka Je viens de vérifier à nouveau, le site web de Newtree et au fait eux-mêmes ils disent que le chocolat sexy gingembre que j’avais utilisé dans la recette est sans gluten. Tu parles des autres barres peut-être? Merci de m’avoir rappellé je vais quand même ajouter un mot de conseil avant la recette.

  3. Pingback: Gluten free Madeira Cake/Gâteau Madeira sans gluten « The Curious Baker

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