Marbled Bizcocho Cupcakes with Carob Buttercream Icing/Pétites génoises bizcocho & Glaçage caroube-crème au beurre

What do you get when you cross a spanish 4-3-2-1 formula cake, some carob powder and a little nostalgia thrown in for good measure? Marbled Bizcocho Cupcakes of course!

I say nostalgia, because marble cake is my earliest baking memory. It all started with two crazy kids, peering excitedly into the oven on a saturday morning and squealing with delight when the cake came out…..’maaaarbled’

as I couldn’t remember the last time I made a marble cake, I figured it was about time I baked one ‘sin gluten’

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Chocarco Cake/Gâteau Chocarco

It took me a while to come up with a suitable acronym for this cake, my favourite was Cardoffee but then the chocolate isn’t in there and I thought you might take one look at the title and think I’d put card in a cake! Knowing me it’s not that far-fetched, but rest assured there’s no card in here, but what I like to call the magic three, Cardamom, Hot chocolate and freshly brewed coffee, three melodious ingredients that make sweet music when put together, if you haven’t tried this threesome,  your life may just be one cake away from true happiness.

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Apple tart muffins/Muffins à la tarte aux pommes

For some reason I’ve been craving winter harvest apple cakes and apple pie, puddings that you’d usually associate with Winter and quite franky considering the weather we get in the U.K, it’s not uncommon to have all seasons in the same day or a strangely wintry-rainy day straight after a blast of sunshine.  But this weekend is all about the sunshine, so in the celebration of the fine weather we’ve been having lately and to embrace the season of change, I created a spring cleaned winter cake! That way you don’t have to choose between a light, delicate tarte and a dense moreish muffin. you can have your cake and eat it too! Did I really just say that? :p

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Jamaican Spice Bun/Nonnette Jamaïquaine

la recette en français est au bas de la page 🙂

Hey, why the sad face? It’s me! The Curious Baker what’s up?….Ahhhh I get it, with Easter just around the corner, you were probably coming here expecting a recipe for gluten free hot cross buns right? b-b-b-but hot cross buns are practically a British institution I hear you cry, …well I guess I’m not your average Brit…

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