Yoghurt and Pistachio Pudding/Pudding au yaourt à la pistache

I made this dish pretty quickly, in an attempt to erase the memory of my ‘maybe it wasn’t such a good idea sweet apple and thyme muffins’ I whipped up those egg whites in a fever of frustration*see note*… and by the time the cake came out of the oven, I was floating on air…

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Support for Haiti- update/ messages de soutien pour Haïti – la mise à jour

UPDATE : The closing date has arrived for the Haïti  post, so I’d like to sincerely thank you all for all your comments and messages (17 in total :) ), I originally said I’d donate £1 for every comment but I’ve since decided to stick a zero on the end to make it £10, hopefully making the donation more effective in the current situation.

I chose the Yele Haiti Earthquake fund to donate  the £170/$272 dollars to and will copy some info from their site so you know what they’re all about.

We thank you and gratefully acknowledge your generous contribution to Yele Haiti. Yele Haiti is a movement led by Wyclef Jean that is helping to bring hope back to Haiti. Projects are designed to make a difference in the fields of education, health, environment and community development. Yele Haiti (previously known as the Wyclef JeanFoundation) is a 501 (3) tax exempt charitable organization. No goods or services were provided, in whole or in part, in return for this contribution.Your gift is fully tax deductible as provided in the Internal Revenue Code. Thank you once again! Sincerely, The Yele Haiti Team

Thanks everyone! :)


MISE À JOUR :  La date de limite est arrivéé pour le post d’Haïti et  je  vous remercie tous pour vos commentaires et messages de soutien (17 au total). Au départ j’avais precisé £1 pour chaque commentaire, mais depuis j’ai decidé de rajouter un zero de plus et changer le montant  à £10 pour chaque commentaire, pour que le don soit plus efficace dans la situation actuelle.

J’ai décidé de donner le £170/196€  à la  fondation Yélé de Wyclef Jean.

Merci beaucoup! 🙂

Inside-Out Lamingtons/les Lamingtons à l’envers

It’s Australia Day today and unsurprisingly, there’s been a whole lot of lamington fever going around the blogosphere in the build up to the big day. Intrigued by these cute chocolately treats.  I decided to try my hand at the original as well as my own version of the australian classic.

Considering I didn’t even know what a Lamington was until a few weeks ago, it was a pretty easy recipe to get to grips with and once you’ve got your basic gfree sponge down, it’s plain sailing from there on.

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Gluten Free Sponge Cake/Gâteau génoise sans gluten

Sometimes I hate whisking egg whites, often just the thought of it can give me nightmares. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got nothing against the fellas, I mean, they never asked to be whisked and they do come quite handy in gluten-free baking……But lately I seem to be having an anti-peak moment.

I remember the first time I whisked egg whites, it was actually quite enjoyable. I’d come across a number of lifetime members of the ‘whisk until the egg whites form stiff peaks’ hate club on the internet, who’d blogged about doing just that, until their skin went raw, regularly bemoaning the fact that their kitchen was one appliance short of  a stand mixer.

And there it was bright as day. I knew what I had to do, “pfff, I’ll show them!” I thought and whipped my kitchen up into an egg white frenzy and within 48 hours, I became…

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