Blood Orange and Chocolate Muffins/Muffins au chocolat et orange sanguine

You can tell a muffin’s good by how quickly you eat it and how many people you offer it to.  In this case, I didn’t even need a minute and I offered it to a total of…..ZERO people 😉 I got so carried away at the tasting phase that I almost ate the first batch myself.  I wasn’t even sure if I’d share it with you, but in the end I was too excited to keep it to myself!

Now we all know the chocolate orange combo is a classic, but switch that normal orange to a sweet, red blood orange and you get a totally different flavour sensation.  These honey sweetened Panettone shaped muffins are mildly moist with just the right amount of bittersweet chocolate to compliment the tang from the orange and provide a dramatic impact.  Pair that with a whisper of demerara for that extra sugary crunch and they become the perfect muffins to say hello spring and good bye riddance Winter!… Make em quick blood orange season is almost over!

A word to the wise. These moreish muffins pack quite a punch, once you realise how tasty they are, you may be tempted tp shove a whole one in your mouth! Take some advice from someone you may or may not have done it. They taste just as good eaten in small portions! 😉

Blood Orange and Chocolate Muffins

I used goat’s yoghurt in this recipe because I was experimenting and found I liked the moisture and taste it added to the muffins, but regular yoghurt works fine as well, the same goes for oranges, as long as you choose sweet juicy ones, you can use them instead of blood oranges. If you want to make these completely sugar free, omit the sugar crystals and demerara sprinkled on top.

Makes 8 muffins


  • 1/3 cup/45g teff flour
  • 1/3 cup/50g millet flour
  • 1/3 cup/55g brown rice
  • 3/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp bicarbonate soda
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 tsp orange zest
  • 2 tbsps blood orange juice OR 1 tbsp regular orange juice
  • 1/3 cup/90ml orange blossom honey
  • 1/2 cup/66g dark chocolate, cut into chunks
  • 1/2 cup/125ml goat’s milk yoghurt
  • 1/4 cup minus 1 1/2 tbsp/30ml extra virgin olive oil
  • *demerara sugar and/or sugar crystals (optional if not going sugar free).

Preheat the oven to 170°C/340°F

Cut some non stick baking paper into 8 strips of 6.5 x 60 cm.

Grease the paper then roll into a tube, overlapping a few times. Make sure the tubes fit nicely into 8 regular size ramekins (about 1/2 a cup in depth) then place the paper in the ramekins and set aside.

In a large bowl, mix the flours, baking powder, orange zest, bicarbonate of soda and chocolate until combined.

Combine the yoghurt, egg, oil, orange juice and honey in a small bowl and mix together until well blended.

Add the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix until combined.

Divide the batter into the ramekins.

*if not going sugar free, sprinkle the top of the batter with demerara sugar and/or sugar crystals.

Bake for 20 mins or until a knife inserted into the muffin comes out clean.

* if you’re not feeling in a creative mood and would rather a normal sized muffin, you end up with about 12 muffins instead of  8.

Oh I almost forgot! This is my entry for Go Ahead Honey it’s gluten free, the theme for this month is Guiltless Pleasures!

Recipe adapted from milk and cookies via Donna Hay magazine issue 8


Muffins au chocolat et orange sanguine

J’avais utilisĂ© le yaourt au chĂšvre car j’expĂ©rimentais, puis j’aimais le goĂ»t et la mouillure que ça donnait aux muffins, mais vous pouvez  utilisĂ© le yaourt nature aussi sans problĂšmes, le mĂȘme pour les orange sanguines tant que vous choisissez les oranges jutueuses et sucrĂ©s vous pouvez les remplacer aux oranges sanguines. Si vous voulez que ces muffins soient sans sucre, omettez, le sucre roux et les cristaux de sucre.

Pour 8 muffins


  • 45g de farine de teff
  • 50g de farine de millet
  • 55g de farine de riz complĂšte
  • 3/4 c Ă  c poudre Ă  lever
  • 1/4 c Ă  c bicarbonate de soude
  • un oeuf
  • 1/2 c Ă  c de zeste d’une orange
  • 1 c Ă  s de jus d’orange sanguine OU 2 c Ă  s de  jus d’orange
  • 90ml de miel de fleur d’oranger
  • 66g de chocolat noir,coupĂ© en morceaux
  • 125ml yaourt au chĂšvre
  • 30ml de huile d’olive extra vierge
  • * facultatif: des cristaux de sucre ou du sucre demerara(si vous

Préchauffez le four à 170°C

Coupez 8 bandes de papier cuisson 6.5x60cm de longueur. Beurrez les bandes de papier cuisson, puis enroulez-les en cylindres (elles vont se chevaucher un peu). Les cylindres doivent s’insĂ©rer aisĂ©ment dans les ramequins.

Dans un grand bol, mĂ©langez les farines, la poudre Ă  lever, le bicarbonate de soude, le zeste, et le chocolat jusqu’Ă  l’incorporation.

Ajoutez les ingrĂ©dients liquides aux ingrĂ©dients secs et mĂ©langez jusqu’Ă  l’incorporation.

Divisez la pĂąte entre les 8 ramequins.

*facultatif: saupoudrez avec des cristaux de sucre ou du sucre roux.

Enfournez pendant 20 minutes.

Si vous n’ĂȘtes pas d’humeur Ă  faire des muffins Ă  la panettone, vous pouvez utiliser des caisses en papier et vous finirez par avoir 12 muffins au lieu de 8!

Recette adaptée de milk and cookies via Donna Hay magazine issue 8