Gluten free Madeira Cake/Gâteau Madeira sans gluten

“Why can’t you just make a normal cake?” The Cynic sighed, in exasperation after my most recent post, “no olive oil, no sprinkles, no nuts, just normal!”

Now let me give you a little background on the Cynic. When he says ‘normal’, he doesn’t mean this, this or even this. His idea of normal is basically a plain white cake, without the trimmings, consisting of only the bare essentials.

His baking advice always seems to follow a similar pattern:

Chocolate cake,…  “hmmm, it’s alright but next time, leave out the chocolate”

Orange Cake… “you know, this’d be great without the oranges”

Banana Cake….

well I think you get the picture.

The most exotic ingredient he’s allowed me to add to a cake is cinnamon! So I really had to get my thinking cap on for his so-called normal cake, and when I did, I came up with this…

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