Rosemary & Lemon Olive Oil Cake/Gâteau au citron, huile d’olive et romarin

This combo’s been playing on my mind ever since my Apple and Thyme disaster.  It started off oh so excitingly and ended with….. sad, disappointing looks and me, head bowed, scurrying off to facebook to recount the sorry tale.

So there I was in full feeling sorry for myself mode, when one of you suggested I try lemon and rosemary instead. Lemon and Rosemary you say? Hmmm….I said noticing a crafty smile appear on my face.  Just looking at the words together in print was enough to convince me it was a good idea. It just sounded right, the taste in my mind was delicious, yet everytime I tried to picture it. I’d get a flashback  of the muffin that never was, so had to wait until I was fully recovered to try it out and try it I did.

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